Cable Flashing with detachable bends

Cable flashing with ø75 or ø110 stainless steel pipes and with detachable bends. Available with various types of pre-installed bitumen or foil roof membranes.

For leading cables through flat roof surfaces with bitumen or foil (single ply) roof membranes in a watertight manner. E.g. at solar panels, air conditioners and other electrical equipment. The detachable bends makes installation flexible and easy to handle.
Pipe and protection ring: Stainless steel AISI 316.
Flange: 1,5 mm stainless steel AISI 304 for bitumen membrane or coated steel flange for foil membrane.
Bends: PP or stainless steel AISI 304.
Roof membrane: Bitumen or foil (single ply) membrane.